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Chairman's Message

Education is said to be the transmission of knowledge, culture and civilization.

Principal's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to greet and welcome you all on behalf of the entire ADIT family.

Dr. Anil S. Nandane
Associate Professor
B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D.(Food Processing Technology)
Academics:15 Years

Industry: 4 Year

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Events & Activities
  • 1. Delivered a expert lecture on "Statistical Methods for Design and Analysis" on 23rd Jan.2018 at College of Food Processing and Bio energy AAU, Anand

  • 2. Delivered expert lecture on "Quality Management System: An overview of ISO" on 26th December, 2016 at four weeks workshops on "Entrepreneurship Development" at ADIT.

  • 3. Delivered Expert lecture on "Response Surface Methodology" during two days seminar on "Advances in Industrial Engineering" on 4th March, 2016 at G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology Vallabh Vidyanagar

  • 4. Delivered a guest lecture on "Radiation Processing and Its Applications in Food Industry" during the AICTE sponsored summer school on "State of the Art Technologies in Food Engineering" organized by department of Food Processing Technology, ADIT during 10th to 21st August 2015.

  • 5. Delivered a Expert lecture on "Milling and By-product Utilization of Cereals and Pulses" on 25th Jan. 2014 during Training-cum-coaching program for ICAR NET Examination at College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agri. University, Anand.

  • 5. Delivered a lecture on " Packaging of Pickles and Preserves" at International Orientation Programme on Packaging Technologies and Machinery for Food Processing Sector organized at SIES school of Packaging, Nerul, Navi Mumbai during 6-15th Feb, 2007

  • 6. Delivered a talk on "Edible Packaging Materials for Quality and Safety Assurance of Foods" at a model Training Course on "Quality and Safety Assurance of Food Products" organized at Faculty of Food Processing Technology and Bio-Energy, Anand Agri. Univ. Anand on 28th Nov. 2011

  • 21st ISTE State Annual Faculty Convention 2016 and National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Engineering" jointly organized by ISTE Gujarat Section and Tolani F.G. Polytechnic, Adipur on 27th December, 2016.

  • One day workshop on "Latex-A Smart Way to Write Thesis and Research Paper" on 15th October, 2016 jointly organized by IEEE student chapter and Dept of Electronics and Communications Engineering Dept. ADIT.

  • Two weeks summer school on "State of The Art Technologies in Food Engineering" held from 10th to 21st August 2015 sponsored by AICTE and organized by Department of Food Processing Technology, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New VV Nagar Anand

  • National Seminar on "Gujarat: Opportunities in Food Processing during 18th to 19th April 2015 organized by Dept of Food Processing Technology, ADIT.

  • One day FDP on "Design Engineering" organized by Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg. on 11th April 2015 at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology.

  • UGC sponsored 14th Short term Course on "Statistical Analysis" at Academic Staff College Sardar Patel University, Anand from 16/02/2015 to 21/02/2015

  • 19th ISTE Annual Gujarat State Convention on "Shaping Technical Education to Meet the Challenges Beyond 2020" on 1st January 2015 organized by ISTE Chapter, L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad.

  • Two days National Seminar on "Food Quality and Safety ? New Technologies and Applications" during ADROIT-14 at college of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, Anand Agri. University from 15-16th October, 2014.

  • 21 days 21st Orientation Program sponsored by UGC and organized by Academic Staff College Vallabh Vidyanagar during 11th Nov. 2013 to 8th Dec. 2013.

  • Two-week ISTE workshop on "Introduction to Research Methodologies" conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from 25th June to 04th July 2012 held under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD).

  • One day seminar on "21st Century: Priorities in Technical and Higher Education at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology on 3/08/2011

  • National Food Technology Seminar on "Innovations of Food Processing in the 21st Century" organized by Dept. of Food Processing Technology A.D. Patel Institute of Technology during 8/7/2010 to 10/7/2010

  • National conference on Biochemical Engineering and presented a paper "Applications of Nanotechnology in Food and Allied Industries" at G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology Vidyanagar during 12/03/2010 to 13/03/2010

  • One day workshop on "Research and Publication" held at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology on 24th April 2009.

  • 21 days winter school on "Novel Techniques in Packaging, Storage, Processing and Quality Control of Fruits and Vegetables" during 24th Feb to 16th March 2009 at CIAE, Bhopal.

  • National seminar on "Innovation in Food Processing and Entrepreneurship Development" on 9-10th Feb.09 at Anand Agri. Univ. Anand

  • 6th International Food Convention (IFCON-2008) held at Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore during 16th to 19th Dec. 2008

  • Two day symposium on "Drying and Dehydration in Food and Chemical Industries-Recent Advances" jointly organized by A.D. Patel Institute of Technology and G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology during 22-23 August, 2008

  • Continuing education and quality improvement Program on Chemistry conducted by IIT Bombay during June 23-27, 2008 at IIT Bombay

  • 4th Nutraceutical summit jointly organized by Central Food Technological Research Institute, CSIR and MMactive during 21st - 23rd Feb. 2008 at World Trade Center, Mumbai

  • International Seminar and Workshop on "Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well-being" during 14-15th Dec, 2007 jointly organized by Swedish South Asian Network on Fermented Foods (SASNET) and Anand Agri. Univ. at Anand.

  • Seminar on "Chemical Engineering for Non-chemical Engineers" organized by dept. of Chemical Engg. on 27th Oct,2007 at G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Vidyanagar, Anand.

  • 12th ISTE Gujarat State Convention and one day symposium on "Excellence in Technical Education Through Innovation" on 20th Oct,2007 at Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Vidyanagar, Anand.

  • one day workshop on " Novel Techniques for Pollution Prevention" organized by Dept. of Chemical Engg. on 29th Sep,2007 at G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Vidyanagar, Anand

  • one day symposium of "Recent Advances on Antioxidant Research" organized by Dept of Foods and Nutrition, S.M. Patel College of Home Science on 26th Sep, 2007

  • ISTE sponsored one day symposium on " Export potential of Indian Foods and Developments in Food Processing Sector" on 18th Sep, 2007 held at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar.

  • National Conference on " Food and Nutrition Security: Biotechnological interventions" during 22-23rd March 2007 at SLIET, Longowal, Punjab

  • ISTE sponsored workshop on "Enhancing Students Satisfaction" on 29th September 2006 at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar.

  • one day ISTE sponsored workshop on " Getting Mileage Through Industrial Visits" on 14th Sep.2006 at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar.

  • One month certificate course on Communications Skills Through Technology from 1/12/2005 to 31/12/2005 by H.M. Patel Career Development Center, Vidyanagar, Anand

  • National Symposium on Data and Knowledge Engineering held at A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidyanagar. on 25th Sep. 2005.

  • Attended Kaizen Initiatives forAcademicsworkshop on Team Domain Knowledge organizedbyH.M.Patel CareerDevelop- ment Centre,Vidyanagar atG.H.Patel College ofEngineering andTechnologyon25thJune2019

  • Attended Kaizen Initiatives forAcademicsworkshop on Team Domain Knowledge organizedbyH.M.Patel CareerDevelop- mentCentre,VidyanagaratADITon18thJune2019

  • Kaizen Initiatives for Academics workshop on "Team Creativity at workplace" organized by H.M. Patel Career Development Centre, Vidyanagar on 21st August 2018

  • Kaizen Initiatives for Academics workshop on "Skills for Student Parenting" organized by H.M. Patel Career Development Centre, Vidyanagar 4th Sep.2018

  • A. S. Nandane, Rudri K. Dave and T. V. Ramana Rao (2017) Optimization of edible coating formulations for improving postharvest quality and shelf life of pear fruit using response surface methodology J. of Food Sci. and Tech. Vol. 54 No.1 1:8 ISSN:0022-1155

  • Rudri Dave, T. V. Ramana Rao and A. S. Nandane (2016) RSM-based optimization of edible-coating formulations for preserving post-harvest quality and enhancing storability of phalsa (grewia asiatica l.) Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Vol. 40 pp 509-520 ISSN 1745-4549

  • Anil S. Nandane and Rajeevkumar Jain (2014) Study of mechanical properties of soy protein based edible film as affected by its composition and process parameters by using RSM. J Food Sci Technol Vol. 52 No. 6 3645:3650 ISSN:0022-1155

  • Aditya Madan, R. K. Jain, A. S. Nandane (2014) Development of Active Modified Atmosphere Lab Scale Setup to Study the Effect on Shelf-life of Banana (var. Robusta) Research & Reviews: Journal of Food Science & Technology Volume 3 Issue 1 PP 1-10 ISSN: 2278-2249

  • Ruby Balchandani, Anil S. Nandane and Saswata Biswas (2013), Designing and Developing a RTS Convenience Snack for Diabetics, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, Vol.3, No.1 1-6 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2013.03.0001)

  • Anil S. Nandane and R.K. Jain (2012). "Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable by Edible Packaging: Scope and Constraints" Research and Reviews: Journal of Food Science and Technology Vol. 1 Issue 1 pp 37-47

  • Pravin Ganorkar, Anil Nandane and Ajay Tapre (2012) "Reverse osmosis for fruit juice concentration- A review" Research and Reviews: Journal of Food Science and Technology Vol. 1 Issue 1 pp 23-36

  • A.S. Nandane and R.K. Jain (2011) "Effect of Composite Edible Coating Treatment on Physical, Textural and Microbial Quality of Tomatoes Stored At Ambient Conditions" International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue I volume 2 (E-ISSN 2249-6149)

  • Nandane A.S. and Jain R.K (2011) "Effect Of Composite Edible Coating On Physicochemical Properties Of Tomatoes Stored At Ambient Conditions International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology Vol. II Issue IV pp 211-217 (E-ISSN 0976- 3945)

  • R Ahuja, Dr. R K Jain, A S Nandane, M Lakadawala, S Patel and M Katkoriya (2009). "Optimization of the formulation of bio-active throat soothing lozenges" J of The Institution of Engineers (I), Vol. 89: 12-18

  • A.S.Nandane, A.R. Tapre, R.C. Ranveer (2007). "Applications of Bacteriocins as bio-preservatives in foods: A review" ADIT J of Engg. Vol 4(1):50-55

  • B.K. Sakhale A.S.Nandane, A.R. Tapre, R.C. Ranveer (2007). Studies on dehydration of curry leaves, ADIT J of Engg. Vol 4(1):62-64

  • K.K. Mitkari, P.N. Satwadhar, H.W. Deshpande, A.S. Nandane and R.K. Patil.(2007) "Studies on Utilization of Ginger-Garlic-Chilli paste in bread as adjuncts". Beverage & Food World 34(12):35-36

  • A.S. Nandane and R.V. Prasad (2006). "Enzymes: Some Basic Concepts and Applications in Food Industry" ADIT J. of Engg. 3(1) :66-71

  • A.S. Nandane, P.N. Antwal and G.S. Patil (2004) "Organoleptic Evaluation and Rehydration Ratios of Osmotically Dehydrated Carrot Cubes" Mysore J. of Agri. Sci. 38(2):149-151

  • Rudri Dave, T.V. Raman Rao and A.S. Nandane "Optimization of edible coating formulations for improving Post-harvest quality and shelf life of Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) presented at 102nd Indian Science Congress hosted by University of Mumbai , Mumbai from 3-7 January 2015

  • Rudri Dave, T.V. Raman Rao and A.S. Nandane "Optimization of edible coating formulations containing Mulberry Leaf Extract for improving Post harvest quality and self life of Mulberry (morus alba. L) presented at International Conference on Emerging Challenges in Biotechnology, Human Health and Environment on dec 18-20 2014 held at Devi Ahilya University Indore

  • Laxmi V. Kholkar, A.S. Nandane, Sweta Vaingankar and Ghanshyam Kapadiya "Effect of Aloe vera Gel Based Edible Coating on Oil Uptake of Fried Potato Chips" presented at National Seminar on Food Quality and Safety ? New Technologies and Applications on during ADROIT?14 held at College of Food Processing Technology and Bioenergy, AAU, anand on 15th October 2014.

  • "Development and optimization of edible coating formulations for improving postharvest quality of pear (Pyrus communis. L. cv Babughosa) using RSM" Rudri Dave, T. V. Ramana Rao and A. S. Nandane presented in the "Young Scientist Session�" of National Conference of Plant Physiology-2013 held at Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh, Gujarat during December 13-16,2013

  • "Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable by Edible Packaging: Scope and Constraints" at National Symposium on Emerging Innovative Technologies for Assurance of Quality and Safety in Processed Food organized by Indian National Academy of Engineers at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur during 24th to 25th Feb 2011

  • "Development of Edible Coating for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables- A review" at National Food Technology Seminar on "Innovations of Food Processing in the 21st Century" organized by Dept. of Food Processing technology ADIT during 8/7/2010 to 10/7/2010

  • "Applications of Nanotechnology in Food and Allied Industries" at National conference on Biochemical held at G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology Vidyanagar during 12/03/2010 to 13/03/2010

  • "Effect of Formulation on Mechanical Properties of Soy Protein Isolate Edible Film" at 6th International Food Convention during 15-19 december, 2008 at CFTRI Mysore.

  • "Antioxidative Nutraceuticals and Human Health: A Review" at 4th Nutraceutical summit jointly organized by Central Food Technological Research Institute, CSIR and MMactive during 21st -23rd Feb. 2008 at World Trade Center,Mumbai

  • "Packaging of Pickles and Preserves" at International Orientation Program on Packaging Technologies and Machinery for Food Processing sector held during 6-15th Feb. 2007 at SIES School of Packaging, Nerul, Navi Mumbai

  • "Applications of Bacteriocins as Biopreservatives in Foods" at National Conference on Food and Nutrition Security: Biotechnological interventions during 22-23rd March 2006 at SLIET, Longowal, Punjab.

  • "Application of Safflower Petal Colour in Mushroom Chutney" at Vth International Food Convention held at Mysore during 5-8th Dec. 2003

  • "Studies on Development and Standardization of Herbal Saffo-tea from Safflower Petals" at Vth International Food Convention held at Mysore during 5-8th Dec. 2003

  • "Studies on Utilization Of Ginger, Garlic and Chilli Paste in Bread as Flavour Adjunct" at Vth International Food Convention held at Mysore during 5-8th Dec. 2003

  • Utilization of Safflower Petals in Various Food Product as Natural Food Colourant at Vth International Food Convention held at Mysore during 5-8th Dec. 2003

  • A.S. Nandane and R.K. Jain (2018) Optimization of Formulation and Process Parameters for Soy Protein-Based Edible Film Using Response Surface Methodology. J Package Technol Res. Vol 2 No.3 pp 203-210 ISSN: 2520-1034

  • Rudri K. Dave T. V. Ramana Rao A. S. Nandane (2017) Improvement of post-harvest quality of pear fruit with optimized composite edible coating formulations J Food Sci Technol Vol. 54 No. 12 PP 1-11 ISSN:0022-1155

  • "Edible Packaging for Fruits and Vegetables" in Fundamentals of Food Engineering and applications Brillion Publishers ISBN 978-93-87296-1-45

  • A.S. Nandane and R.K. Jain (2018) Optimization of Formulation and Process Parameters for Soy Protein-Based Edible Film Using Response Surface Methodology. J Package Technol Res. Vol 2 No.3 pp 203-210 ISSN: 2520-1034

  • Rudri K. Dave T. V. Ramana Rao A. S. Nandane (2017) Improvement of post-harvest quality of pear fruit with optimized composite edible coating formulations J Food Sci Technol Vol. 54 No. 12 PP 1-11 ISSN:0022-1155

  • "Edible Packaging for Fruits and Vegetables" in Fundamentals of Food Engineering and applications Brillion Publishers ISBN 978-93-87296-1-45

Membership Details
  • Indian Society of Technical Education, New Delhi - Life Member

  • Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad - Life Member

  • Indian Arid Legume Society, Jodhpur - Life Member

  • Institution of Engineers (India) - Life Member

  • Association of Food Scientist and Technologists (India), Mysore - Life member

  • International Association of Engineers - Life Member

  • Association of Food Scientist and Technologists (India), Mysuru - Life Member

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